This Is The Sammy Fans Blog

If you don't like Sammy Keyes DON'T read this blog! You won't like it much trust me!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Just bought Sammy Keyes and the Wedding Crashers!
I've waited so long.
Hehe, now its time to read.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

I'm Soooooo Sorry!

I am so sorry for not updating this blog.
I thought its not interesting and its one of the most stupidest blogs ever and nobodies reading it...
So I didn't update, but then I went on my blog... for the first time in a month or so.. and I noticed some comments.
And yeah.
I'm kind of dying here too. I mean, Sammy Keyes and the Wedding Crasher is still about 3 months away Sammy4Ever is so darn lucky!!!!!!
Oh and I was wondering you know how you wrote that one story on your blog in Casey's POV?
Is that really how they kiss at the end?? In the book and in your story?
Is it the same??
And FadedXRainbow.. about a month ago you asked if I have a Cammy Page on facebook? Yeah I do, and its called OCD (Obsessive Cammy Disorder!)
There's only 1 member and that me! So it'll be really cool if some people joined! :)

Oh and about my fanfictions... I think I'm gonna rewrite them.. because the grammar really sucks.
Plus I am no good at beginning stories and ending chapters... so I tend to end them really bad..
Does anyone here have a twitter? I got one a while ago.. but never really went on it until yesterday because I was really bored..
So thanks!

Sunday, April 11, 2010


I have been having something I like to call Casey fever... for the past 3 days! Usually I can control myself.. but I've been linking everything to Casey and Sammy!
So I made a Cammy fan page on facebook! :) so if you see it.. (if you have a facebook) JOIN! :)

Monday, March 22, 2010

Make Me Stop Thinking.

So you know when sometimes you just don't want to think about your life. You just want to think that my life is so boring I don't have anything to think about?
Well that basically just the opposite of me. I have so much to think about sometimes... that I need something that'll make me stop thinking about my problems.. my situations... my life.
But for me its hard to find something, someone, or some activity to do so..
There are only like two things that help me
1. Sammy Keyes
2. Biking
Sammy Keyes has her own issues, her own problems. She's so interesting and her books can make me stop thinking about any problems I have!
Reading about Sammy's life... takes me into this new world. This new world where all my problems don't exist. Where I can just lose myself into Sammy's world.
I mean I always thought seventh grade is going to be the dramatic year where you know bad things will happen... but nothing bad has happened.. but when people make snide remarks, or when I have some kind of bad problem... Sammy Keyes has really helped me.
Biking has also done so. Its only me, my bike, and the wind hitting my face.
Its so refreshing.. and so happy... its so nice.
Now tell me something that helps you stop thinking?

Sunday, March 14, 2010

I Really Can't Draw

I really can't draw.
I don't know why, but I can't draw Sammy.
I can never get her right.
She too... I don't know complex.
Now sure I've copied those little pics.. of her from the books and like you know made a collage or something.
But I can never draw her from scratch. Its the same deal with Casey.. I really can't draw any guy because they end up looking like a girl.
Maybe its because I really really really can't draw anything but nice pretty flowers... and stars... and hearts.
Yeah I am such a wimp! :D

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Sammy Keyes

Sammy Keyes is one of a kind.
She cannot be copied exactly because she has so many differences between many fans of hers.
Sammy Keyes can only be written most amazingly buy Wendelin Van Draanen.
Many of us write our fan-fictions unrealistic, not in character, sappy, and just plain dumb.
Personality is what matters when it comes to Sammy.
Many people (fans) think a LOT about Sammy's looks, there could be a perfect Sammy in this world who looks the opposite of many of the people's imagination.
On a Sammy Keyes fan-fiction discussion page they meaning ten people described her as blond, blue eyes, tall, and you know the type of all American girl or "Californian Girl" that has all the boys fall for her.
Now this description can fit but Wendelin Van Draanen never described her except her hair.
Sammy Keyes is also great at hiding her true feelings.
Now many of you would think that she was in denial with Casey. But any girl would be freaked if her arch enemies brother wanted to be his sisters enemies friend. I mean personally I would think it was some kind of revenge or trap and so did she. But then trust happens. And I would think this whole arch-enemies sister's brother has a crush on rival would be very unrealistic, but I didn't. Because it was the progression.
They took a step by step process.
Step 1: Taking A Risk: Sammy took a risk of being his friend. She was much slower though, but in a way I liked that. I really did because she's (I know how pathetic this will sound) a great role model.
Step 2: Befriending: In the eighth book Sammy realized Casey wouldn't leave her school life until the end of the school year.
Step 3: Realizing: In the ninth book Sammy realized that Casey does not want revenge, or anything bad like that. All he wants is a friendship.
Step 4: Trusting: Nothing new really happened in the 10th book that developed their friendship. But in the eleventh book Sammy told him about the living situation. She also gave him her number. She trusts him that he won't tell anyone about her home life.
Step 5: Liking: She started liking him in Sammy Keyes and the Wild Things. But in Cold Hard Cash she straight up said it.
Sammy has her own opinions.
Unlike most teenagers Sammy usually thinks before she acts. She is very intelligent. She listens to songs that have meanings and feelings exposed through the guitars and instruments. She has doesn't throw herself on anything she wants she just lets it kind of be until the time is right.
Again Sammy Keyes is truly

Friday, February 19, 2010

Gaahhhh Can't Wait For Sammy Keyes 13

I AM GOING INSANE!!!!!!!!!!!! :(

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Random Blabber from My Life

I cannot wait for Sammy Keyes and the Wedding Crasher.
How is life like for you?
Do you have an enemy... do you have a crush.... do you have any siblings...
Do you travel a lot...
What is school like for you are you the popular athletic who tries out for every sport... are you the geeky loner... or you notorious and in between.... or are you the popular prissy who's already had 2 boyfriends?
Tell me about you... But let me tell you about me

I am very different.

My name is Pooja Dimba , I am not like your average girl who is always listening to music, chatting with friends, or being plain old mean.

I don't shop at Abercrombie and Fitch or Aeropostale. Actually I've never been there.

I shop at Target and Ross, and Kohls, I don't need Forever 21.

Cause I am not 21.

Plus they make this statement that only skinny popular girls with no personality get to wear the “nice” clothes. No offense to them some of them are cool.

Their biggest size is size Extra Small.


I'm medium or large.

I'll be Extra Large Large Large in the “brand name” stores.

Anyway I don't know what songs Lady Gaga sings, I don't listen to Coldplay or Eminem, or Rolling Stones... or that trash.... I've never have I never will.

I won't listen to the Jonas Brothers. I mute the T.V when they come on... or I change the channel.

I listen to the Beatles a little, but most of the time, its a guy named Vincent Martella who is singing “Hey Jude” not the Beatles themselves.

I am shy and I am loud with my best friends.

I hang out with eighth graders not seventh graders, like I am supposed to.

And usually you would think that hanging out with people who are a year older than me would suddenly make me cool and suave.

But it doesn't.

My friends (no offense to them) are dorks too.

How about you...
You probably think I AM weird now... but hey that's fine with me.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

How Did You Find Out About Sammy Keyes?

When did you start reading Sammy Keyes?
I started reading Sammy Keyes when I was in fourth grade. I started out with second book. I remember the day clearly, my brother who was in ninth grade and when he was seventh grade he brought the book home but he NEVER read it because on the first page he found out Sammy was a girl. So I found it in my closet and started reading it, I asked my brother, "Where did you get this" and he said, " Oh and school like 2 years ago, I forgot to return it."
From then on I read the books but I never read them in order until sixth grade was when I read the books from 1-11 and then I read all 12 of them like 5 or 6 or 7 times each!
I actually memorized the 5th book!
So how did you find out about Sammy Keyes?